Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Vintage car collage


Luke is in love with cars since he could crawl. He is totally obsessed with them. He would pick cars over balls or perhaps cars over mummy!
I found this collage idea off a children's activity book sometime ago and had always wanted to give it a try. Recently I have been trying to work on not procrastinating and valuing time. (This is a separate dialogue altogether)
It's probably more for a 5 year old child art and craft activity. But adults could help little ones in terms of drawing out the template and letting them cut and glue them. Little ones could attempt to decorate the car in any way they like.
Colored paper
Black felt pen
Images of vintage cars for inspiration
I drew out main body parts. Likely 3 parts, one for the front, body and back.
Then I cut them out and glue them (leaving a small space between each part)
Then using a black felt pen to trace the car and draw in the wheels and details of the car.
I plan to share with Luke and Sophie this picture and also pictures of modern day cars. We could delve into details about the evolution of cars. I'm sure my husband would love to join in too!
Please share with me your pictures of  vintage car collage. I'd love to be inspired by your creativity!

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Happy Easter Day!

It's Easter Sunday! Egg hunt, chocolates and bunnies? Though it might be for most people here in China, we wanted our kids to learn the real meaning of Easter.

I just kept it simple for the family.  We did a sun catcher of a cross and placed it in our front window for the kids and our neighbours to remember that Jesus died on the cross to save us from our sins.

It was an easy activity for everyone and it was pretty fuss free. We talked to Sophie about the meaning of Easter and what happened on Good Friday and Easter Sunday. I have provided directions to make the suncatcher at the end of this blog.

At bedtime, we read our daily bible devotion for children to the kids and taught them the Lord's prayer and we sang some worship songs. 

Next year, when we are back home, we will take the kids to attend Sunday service  with family and friends. 

His love endures forever. Amen.

Materials for Suncatcher:

Hard paper or thin cardboard for frame
Contact paper
Colored cellophane paper
Sticker gems 
Washi tape
Double sided tape

Cut out the shape of a cross on a hard colored paper and stuck the contact paper on one side. I used double sided tape to tape the back of the cross (sticky surface facing out) to a window.

I cut out strips of colored cellophane paper and the children cut them into squares or rectangles. We used pink, orange, green and clear as I wanted to have a spring look.

We stuck the colored paper and then I used washi tape to tidy up the borders as some of the colored paper would stick out of the cross. Once finished, we placed some pink sticker gems on the cross on both sides so that it sparkles on both sides.

I hope you enjoy this simple craft with your children. 

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Kids friendly coconut macaroons

This weekend, I found a really easy coconut macaroon dessert in one of my favourite cook book. It's so simple and easy that my 4 year old could make it and all I did was to help put it into the oven. It smells and looks good and is also very light.

It makes a great sensory activity as the textures of the ingredients are very different and the kids could feel them and taste them. Just don't offer them raw eggs!

It took about 10 minutes to prepare and another 15 minutes baking time.  C'est simple!

Here's the recipe:
4 tablespoons desiccated coconut
2 tablespoons powdered sugar
2 tablespoons cornstarch
Pinch of salt
1 egg

Preheat oven to 350F
Mix all the ingredients into a bowl.
Mould them into small balls and place into a baking tray with parchment paper.
Bake 10-15 minutes

The kids had these little bites with a cup of milk before bedtime. Next time we will invite some friends over for tea and bake some of these lovely coconut macaroons.
Bon appétit!

Friday, April 3, 2015


 16making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil (Ephesians 5:16)
In my waking moments, I am pulled towards every direction. Every person, animal, activity seem to be calling out for me. Many a times, I do wish I could clone myself and accomplish more and please everyone, including myself. But alas, this is not the case. Then I got thinking about what the bible could teach me about time, reflect on his Word, pen my thoughts and apply his Words to my life.
Recently, a friend had asked for help in being a translator. We live in China and she does not speak mandarin. I do speak some mandarin and can get by with it so far.  She had bought items over the internet and the seller could only transact in mandarin. For one, it’s easy to just see what you like and click to buy even though the site is in mandarin. After all, a picture tells a thousand words. She had asked and so, I had kindly offered my help to be the point of contact for the seller in communications regarding delivery matters. I had highlighted to her my response time would occasionally be delayed when as I needed to care for my 2 year old son and I don’t always carry my phone around. She agreed and said she understood. I started receiving a myriad of calls from sellers and delivery companies asking for information, and timing of delivery. I had no clue what she had bought and what transpired as a simple act of kindness turned into a nightmare. I had become a part time secretary overnight. I had to pick up calls at ungodly hours, arrange with her and get back to them. Should issues arise, I also had to help resolve them and provide solutions to both buyer and sellers. In my 10 months shopping online in China, I never had encounter such problems.

Then, I found out that when she could not reach me, she would contact other friends and this resulted in duplication of efforts and mixed messages to the seller. It became frustrating for me as I had to constantly take time out from the kids to handle those calls. For a while, I tried being optimistic, telling myself to take this as a challenge in improving my mandarin. But deep down, there’s this nagging feeling that says something is not right. Time is so precious to me and what I do has to be worth it.

Today. I decided to look to the Bible. I looked into Ephesians 5:16 and also read Matthew Henry's commentaries for insights. 16making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil”.
Our time here is short; every moment is an opportunity cost. (I just lost 3 minutes taking a call for that friend instead of writing this post, sharing about God’s word). Why? More often than not, it’s the urgent things that are always pulling us away from the important things. The important things wait quietly and patiently in the background until it can no longer do so and it becomes too late and regrets sets in for us.

How then should we make good use of our time when situations like these arises?

Learn to say NO. In Matthew Henry’s commentaries, he says "Our time is a talent given us by God for some good end, and it is misspent and lost when it is not employed according to his design. If we have lost our time heretofore, we must endeavour to redeem it by doubling our diligence in doing our duty for the future.” All the time I spent taking those calls and getting frustrated in front of my children needs to be fixed with twice the effort now. I had to explain why I was taking those calls and why sometimes I had to be loud on the phone. I had to spend time calming down myself whenever those calls came in with problems while my friend was at the gym working out; unbothered by these problems that she had given me. I thank God that this lesson is not a long drawn out one and that it has made me realize how time should be used. Wisely. Going forward, I shall take time to pray and ask if what I embark will please Him. Taking time to pray and plan will help in the long run. It is never too late to say NO to an activity or an urgent task. In fact, I shall inform my friend tomorrow that I will be unavailable to assist her in her shopping matters in future. What might happen? Lose a friend? Maybe, maybe not.

I ask myself, what if the situation was turned around. What should I do? Be sincere, honest, helpful and appreciative. Don’t take people and their time for granted. This also teaches me to value other’s time and be respectful of their time.

I shall end my note with this: Take good care of time and use it wisely to glorify God. Have courage to say NO.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Keepsake of children drawing

I love Sophie's depiction of people and wanted to create a keepsake of her drawing at this age. I also love making small surprises for the family, so I decided to turn one of Sophie's drawing of daddy and turned it into a pillow case for my husband.
He adored it so much and suggested that we do a series of her 'Picasso' people onto pillows for the family room sofa set.

I traced her drawing on a cloth and used embroidery thread to sew the traced lines. After that, I used some fabric cloth and sewed a simple pillow case.

It took me 2 hours in actual work but with taking Luke for a walk in the park and feeding ducks, lunch and putting him to nap, I took a total of 6 hours from start to finish. I guess I just had to be patient and do it in small steps.

It was an enjoyable experience for me and I know it means a lot to Sophie and daddy too.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Big picture

Feeling down and dreary about being a full time mom?
Here's a quote I picked up from the book "The parenting book" by Nick and Sila Lee
"Parenting requires seeing the big picture.  And every day makes a difference to our child's development and wellbeing"

To all parents out there,  HANG IN THERE!

Monday, August 18, 2014

Living in Shanghai

Shanghai! We've been here almost 2 months. Our art supplies have not arrived and we have been taking time to enjoy our surroundings. Our complex is lovely! It's like an adventure every time we head out.

Exploring and admiring God's work. What a treat!

I hope to share more photos and inspiring activities during our stay here.

Keep checking in! Cheers.