Friday, May 16, 2014

DIY Stamps

Some time ago, I was into making my own stamps for Sophie to play with. Simple shapes that she can identify with and not have to spend lots of money on stamps. Art stuff are expensive here in Singapore!

So, I went to a thrift store and got some wooden blocks and some craft foam. Cut out the craft foam according to the shapes and sizes of the blocks that I like to have. Used a hot glue gun to adhere the craft foam to the wooden blocks.

After that is done, I drew the shapes on the opposite end of the foam and painted it so we know what shapes we had.

You could either use an ink pad or paint.  I chose paint because Sophie tends to move from color to color and I didn't want the ink pads to have mixed colors. She ended up with finger painting after the stamping session.

Craft foam
Wooden blocks of different sizes
Scissors or craft knife
Glue gun

All in all, we spent less than $6.00 and there were plenty of craft foam and wooden blocks left to make more in future.

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